The Doggy

Woman Had Sudden Intuition To Go To Animal Shelter

Pexels (CC0), Pixabay

Many people have followed their gut feeling. It will usually come around whenever making a big decision. But what about sudden intuitions that come out of nowhere? Are these the voices of higher beings reaching out to us to do a specific task? Or maybe we are crazy?

Don't fret, this is totally normal, and as long as our intuition is not urging us to do something harmful to ourselves or others, there's nothing wrong in following it. A woman from Texas did follow her intuition, and it led her to nothing but good — and she saved the life of a dog who was about to be put down.

The woman is Dani McKissick. She was driving home one day, minding her own business, when out of nowhere, she had this gut feeling that she needed to help an animal right that very moment. It clouded her mind so much that she decided to just turn around and head for Harris County Animal Shelter.

McKissick already has a dog and two cats at home, so she never thought of taking in more animals. She texted her sister to stop her from adopting another pet. When she got there, one of the staff introduced her to Honey. She was a senior chow mix, suffering from different ailments, and was scheduled to be put down that day.

When McKissick drover up to the shelter, she didn't even know what she would do once she got there. But when she met Honey, she immediately knew that she was the reason why she had that sudden intuition. She agreed to foster Honey and take her home with her.

She took her to the vet to get her some shots for her allergies and some medicine for her other ailments. After a few days, Honey sprang back to life. She is so lucky that McKissick decided to follow her gut feel — imagine if she didn't. McKissick explained that she also benefits from Honey as she gets some tender loving care every time they cuddle.

Thanks to our friends over at The Dodo for sharing the original story.