The Doggy

This Dog Has The Best Babysitting Skills That Would Put Your Own Skills To Shame

pasja1000 (CC0), Pixabay

Taking care of young puppies is not a simple task, but Poong makes it appear quite easy. And what is really interesting about this is that this dog is caring for puppies that are not his.

A film crew sent to document his life did not know if Poong was a male or a female. When they observed him caring for a puppy, they instantly believed he was the mother. The crew was astonished to hear that he was a male dog. They were quite amazed by how he cared for his foster sibling.

When Poong's mother discovered a puppy abandoned at a factory, she took it home with her. This was not unusual, as Poong's mother has fostered other dogs before.

As soon as Poong encountered the puppy, he quickly assumed a maternal role. He looked out for the pup and even cared for it. This was the eighth foster sibling of Poong though he looked like he didn’t want to interact with it when he first met her.

His mother is quite appreciative that he has opened up since then. Poong has assisted her in caring for the puppies she brought home.

If his fur mom did not intervene, Poong would have been taken to a dog farm. Oftentimes, dog farms are referred to as puppy mills. Here, dogs are used to breed and the puppies are sold. They are confined in cages and never experience real life.

His mother saved him from this fate and provided him with a joyful existence. Taking care of the puppies may be Poong's way of expressing his gratitude.

Poong's mother is glad that Poong makes rearing puppies less difficult for her. She can confidently assert that Poong is the ideal caretaker for these small dogs. This is surely one of the many beautiful reasons why she is so proud of Poong.

Source: SBS TV동물농장x애니멀봐