The Doggy

Shy Boy With Autism Is Able To Open Up To The World, Thanks To A Cocker Spaniel

tonyminguillon (CC0), Pixabay

Just like the majority of children with autism, Leon Kirby-Bulner is a withdrawn and timid toddler. He disliked communicating with others and appeared to be trapped in his own universe. Fortunately, all of these changed with the assistance of his unique, furry dog friend named Fern.

In 2017, when Leon was barely one year old, he welcomed a cocker spaniel into his household. As soon as Leon met the puppy, he grew fond of her. From that point forward, the pair had been inseparable. They were constantly observed playing hide-and-seek and wearing matching clothing.

Hayley and Karsten, Leon's parents, observed that he was becoming more confident and gregarious as time passed. Unlike before, he began opening up to them and spoke nonstop. The parents knew that because of Fern's support, they could not help but be appreciative of her extraordinary help.

In addition to being Leon's buddy, Fern was very helpful in keeping the child relaxed and protecting him. Whenever Leon experienced a tantrum, the cocker spaniel would promptly administer deep pressure stimulation to calm him. She also made it a practice to supervise the child on the stairs and prevent him from hitting his head on the ground.

Hayley acknowledged that Fern has greatly simplified their life over the past three years that she has been with them. She believed that without her, they would be a complete disaster.

As a way of giving back, the couple began a fundraising campaign to send assistance dogs like Fern to low-income families with autistic children. Since the lockdown, Hayley and Leon have been producing embroidered goods and are now extremely close to reaching their objective.

Hayley and Karsten are delighted that they will soon be able to provide another family with the same level of comfort and convenience they have with Fern.

The parents are happier to see their son emerge from his shell under the dog's guidance.

Source: Caters Clips