The Doggy

Rooster Loves To Chase His Big Doggy Friend Around The Yard

Tammy Sattler wanted to visit her dad, so she decided to go out for a drive with her dog, Leia. Tammy left Leia in the yard together with her dad's rooster, Duke, as soon as they arrived because she believes that nothing out of the ordinary would happen between the two animals.

Tammy chatted with her dad for a few minutes when she decided to check on the two animals. She recalled just how surprised she was when she saw Duke chasing Leia around the yard.

Tammy and her family decided to watch Duke and Leia chase each other around the yard because the two animals were having fun with their little game. She recalled that Leia would even urge Duke to chase her by barking and running straight at him.

Tammy shared how shocking it was to see Duke chasing Leia because he was much smaller than her, yet his personality was bigger than Leia's. She said that Duke would run after Leia whenever the dog instigates the chase.

Tammy recalled that the game lasted for about ten more minutes before Leia and Duke both got tired. The Sattler family said that seeing the two's odd yet funny relationship was the most incredible thing they have seen to date.

Tammy shared that she and Leia did not visit her dad for about a month, and she thought that her dog must have already forgotten about her encounter with the hot-tempered rooster. However, Tammy was proven wrong because the two animals immediately started chasing one another as soon as she and Leia visited her dad.

Duke thinks that he is bigger than Leia, making him believe that he is the boss. Tammy said that she and her family let the two animals be because it was fun seeing them be each other's frienemies.

Source: The Dodo via Facebook