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Rina The Labrador Retriever Celebrates Her 13th Birthday In Las Vegas With A Shoe-Themed “Paw-ty”

A Labrador retriever named Rina had been afflicted with three illnesses: cancer, laryngeal paralysis, and vestibular syndrome. Sadly, her health was getting worse as the days went by. Judy Fridono, her fur mom, knew that she only had few months to live. She wanted to provide the best for Rina until her last breath.

Judy had thought of throwing the best party for Rina’s 13th birthday. She wanted to make this a memorable one as this might be her last birthday celebration. Judy brought Rina to Las Vegas to give her a “ShoeLaLa Paw-ty” since she loved shoes very much.

Judy and her team looked for unique shoes all over Las Vegas for four days and took Rina’s photos beside them.

These were some of  the unique and amazing shoes and attractions that Rina saw in Las Vegas during her shoe-themed birthday paw-ty:


The culminating activity of Rina’s four-day birthday party celebration in Las Vegas was a donation drive. 400 pairs of shoes were donated to the disadvantaged children.

It was indeed a fantastic birthday celebration for Rina! She obviously had fun for four days in Las Vegas.

Sadly, Rina crossed the Rainbow Bridge on Memorial Day in 2016. She brought with her all the good memories and experiences she had with Judy and her daughter Ricochet.

Photos courtesy of 

Sarah Jefferson Editor
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