The Doggy

Milatry Dog Returns to Find Invaders On The Home Front

Retired Military Dog Comes Home To Find Big Changes


Well, he signed out so to speak. He became separated from his military service. He was looking forward to being back home with his family. Sleeping in a real bed.

Not some rocky ravine on a slope. I am not talking about the Master Sergeant who was discharged with him.  I am talking about the military dog that just went home.

Life in the military is challenging for almost everyone. But try to be the military dog in the unit.

Training is rigorous and stringent. When that is finished the conditions are often more rugged. And the noises and confusion can be awful.

When the canines come home, it can also be shocking. Usually,  they are welcomed enthusiastically as are their masters.

But come on, do they really have to put up with This? Didn't they just finish serving their country? Not just another person; but a CAT? Com'on.

We found a video of just such a service member. He came back only to see an invader on the home front. We think you will enjoy this interaction as much as we did… Check out the video. We just can’t seem to get enough.

Thanks, Cheezburger for sharing this.
