A bee farm owner walked inside one of the bee sheds one day and discovered that a dog has taken refuge on his property. He was surprised to see the pup but he was more concerned because it wore a collar. He knew it belonged to someone and its owner must be terrified with the dog gone.
The man was kind enough to let the dog stay and never for a second did he consider shooing it away. He even gave it food and water and named it Neurong, too. He tried to build trust with it but he didn’t get any close to making friends with it. Still, he let it stay.
Neurong stayed in one corner day in and day out. She didn’t cause any trouble but the spot where she decided to stay wasn’t safe. So, the farm owner decided to seek help in getting her out of the shed.
Local rescuers responded as soon as they heard about Neurong. They tried to approach her, and surprisingly, she snarled when she saw them. She was just so scared, they figured, and she didn’t mean to act aggressively toward them.
To safely catch the dog, the rescuers decided to use a humane trap. They set up one outside the bee shed and placed some food inside it. They waited for a short while and they successfully captured the dog.
Neurong felt startled a little but she calmed down instantly. She didn’t bark or snarl at anyone and let the rescuers touch her instead. She let them do their job and cooperated with them throughout.
After receiving medical care, the 8-year-old dog went back to the bee farm, only this time, she had a place of her own. She got her own doggy house, a bed, and bowls for her food and water. She no longer had to cower in a corner and she could stay for good if granted.
The bee farm owner and his wife offered to foster Neurong until the rescuers find her right rightful owners. But in case it never happens, they will keep her and make her an official member of their small family.
Credits: Kritter Klub