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Man Saved A Dog From Being Trapped Underneath The Ground

A group of men in California fixed a wide hole in one of the streets. When a dog went outside its shelter searching for food, it pulled itself to the ground, and no one seemed to notice it until the ground was covered.

One day, a man was walking down the street when he noticed a strange noise coming from the opposite side of the street. At first, he couldn’t figure out where the noise came from, but as it became louder, he couldn’t ignore it any longer. Everyone in the vicinity heard it, and they were sure it was a dog.

The searching for the dog

As a result, the concerned citizens sought help from the city authorities but have yet to receive a response. Instead, the person who first heard it wanted to take action. He dismantles the bricks. After that, remove the stone and sand underneath it.
The people believed the dog was alive and needed to leave the ground immediately. The man never stops trying, and the people around him continue encouraging him.

Finally, the dog was able to get out of the ground

After a few hours, the man can see a dog’s face through the hole. He slowly pulled the dog out and discovered it was pregnant. He let it rest for a while and immediately gave it water and food. Fortunately, the dog is no longer in danger.
A vet from an animal shelter nearby took the pregnant dog for evaluation, and it’s good to know that it’s in good health. The man who rescued the dog returned to the animal care to check and visit the dog and planned to adopt it and its coming puppies.
A large crowd witnessed the scene and was happy for the dog. They are also grateful to this good-hearted man who went to help the poor dog. Others praised him for being such a courageous and compassionate animal lover.


Source: via Youtube.

Sarah Jefferson Editor
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