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Lucy Fell In Love With The UPS Delivery Man

So Great To Be A Dog That Is Loved

Lucy is a pit bull canine who came to Minnesota and luckily joined a loving family.

This story is one of a kind in which a dog fell in love with a human.

The foster family of Lucy is fond of purchasing items online.


Hey, Check Out That Man In Brown


The packages are usually delivered through UPS courier.

The driver’s name of their UPS delivery truck is Paul.

A friendship with Paul began with the first delivery to Lucy’s family.

Wouldn’t you know, Paul is also a dog lover, and he always brings along dog treats in his truck.


Treats For The Sweet Girl


Every time he sees a dog along with his route, he would hand out something.

Though he meets many dogs along the way, Lucy seems to be special to him.

That’s why he always looks forward to seeing Lucy.


A Mutual Friendship Is Getting Stronger


According to Lucy’s foster mom, Lucy also loves the UPS delivery man.

Not so long ago, there was an instance when Lucy heard the truck stop in front of their house.

Lucy immediately peeped on the window and ran towards the door.

The dog easily jumped into the truck, and Paul immediately tossed her a cookie.


Now That Is A Friendship


He even kisses Lucy, and they’re both happy to see each other.

Even if it is for just a short period of time they like to be together.

Paul was so sweet to Lucy, and her family notices that the dog is so happy every time Paul arrives.

That’s why Lucy’s family often orders online.

It is an excuse to get Lucy and Paul together.

The friendship between Lucy and Paul has become stronger for several years now.

Paul said that Lucy means so much to him.

He fondly calls Lucy “sweetheart” and considers her as a girlfriend.


Man And Dog Sharing A Mutual Love


This story illustrates that the true meaning of love is not meant only for humans.

As Paul has shown his love for Lucy she also shows her love to him.

Watch the video below:

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Video source: Inside Edition via YouTube

Sarah Jefferson Editor
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