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Lost Dog’s Previous Owners Were Not Looking For Her, So She Found Another Owner

There are a lot of families that have abandoned their once-loved pet.

Each family may have a different reason to abandon their dog.

Many animals end up unhappy and alone.

It’s sad knowing that these families who once took them in, and now have abandoned them.

Maybe someone will come along to pick up the pieces, that would be a lucky dog.

This is exactly the story of Freyja.

Freyja is a Siberian Husky,  abandoned on the streets of Georgia.

A compassionate man encountered her.

When he saw her wearing a collar he discovered it contained a phone number of her previous owner.

All at once he contacted them.

He became dismayed talking to the owner.

It seems that the owner was not looking for Frejya.

This news did not sit well with the rescuer.

With a quick decision, he stepped in.

He and Frejya drove to the vet for a checkup.

Freyja has an illness called a “foggy eye”, which the vet says is a result of a previous wound.

Freyja was not thrilled when the necessary shots appeared. Ouch!

Freyja also was carrying heartworms and she was a bit underweight.

This probably added to the reason for her abandonment.

Our rescuer friend made sure that Freyja received the necessary medications to fix the problem.

It might be a bit pricey but she was worth it for her new friend.

Freyja is lucky to have found a compassionate and kind man wanting to make sure she was okay.

Not surprisingly the same man decided to adopt Freyja.

Freyja is not the family’s first rescue dog.

As a matter of fact, the family’s first pet was a dog they found in a back alley.

That dog was covered in oil, and the family knew they had to save him.

According to Freyja’s new owner, the family never turns away a dog in need.

Freyja is lucky to be part of this fantastic family.

We are so glad Freyja is with her forever friend. And has another sibling too.

Tell us what you think.

Share us and Freyja with your friends.


Source Funky Smile via YouTube

Sarah Jefferson Editor
Lives in Nevada Loves Dogs Never been without one contact
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