The Doggy

How To Check If Your Pooch Is Smart

Dogs are not only social but highly intelligent animals. They are capable of performing stunts, tricks, and pretty much amazing feats. Dogs protect their humans at the cost of their own lives. They provide assistance in helping the disabled. These actions show a dog’s intellect.  The behavior demonstrates thinking and problem-solving skills.

Although most dog experts would agree that only a few canine breeds are adept in problem-solving, such as Collies and Retrievers, any kind can be taught to do so. As long as appropriate training is provided, dogs with different levels of intelligence are shown to improve on many tasks, as well as how they interact with their humans and other pets alike.

If you to want to check whether your dog is highly smart or is an average loyal companion, you can follow the techniques listed below.

A game of treasure hunting
You will need an assistant, your dog’s favorite treat and an empty food can. You can begin the test by letting your pet sniff at the treat in your hand and tell your pooch to wait or sit. If your dog can’t sit still, have your assistant keep him in place. Hide the treat inside the canister and let your dog find it. Time your dog on how long it took him to locate the goodie. The quicker he sees the treat, the smarter he is.

Recognizing familiar faces
This is a technique where you can test your dog’s mental ability along with how strong the bond is you have with your pet. But keep in mind this test is only useful in pets that are still new to your household and even in the developmental stages.

Begin the tests by picking a time of the day when your dog is calm, responsive and is free from any distractions. Sit and face your pet with a distance of a meter or two apart. See to it that your dog is focused on you only. Stare into your dog’s eyes for a few seconds. Afterward, smile broadly. If your pooch will come bounding towards you and along with a wagging tail, it means he understands that you’re happy and is responding appropriately.

Inner clock
This is not a test but is useful in gauging a dog’s intelligence. Each dog has its own internal or inner clock. An above average animal shows a more accurate inner clock. She can remember at what time you usually arrive home. Your friend is waiting at the front door when it’s time for the daily walk.  This dog is demonstrating a better understanding of time. Her inner clock is working well.

If your dog scores low, it doesn’t mean it is dumb. Sometimes your pooch may not be so excited with the tests, or your pooch may not be feeling well at the time of the trial. Regardless of the results, your pooch is still the best. After all, your furry friend is one-of-a-kind.