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How Do You Get Started With Pup Training?

Pup training is a great family activity and can also be a bonding experience. If you take the time now, you will be much happier with a well-trained dog.
Let us now take a look at some pup training basics.

Your Pup’s Motivation

Like humans, dogs are social animals naturally accustomed to living in “packs.” Your pup will be a member of your family, but it is up to everyone to teach your pup the rules he has to abide by. He will come to respect the rules you lay out for him. All it takes is for you and your family to lead the way. It will take some time for your pup to learn the ropes. What is more important is that you must show him positive reinforcement along the way. Many people will reprimand their pup during training when they do something “wrong.” But there are better ways to go about teaching him. Instead, you must motivate him by showing him praise or petting him when he follows the rules. If praise is not enough to encourage him, that’s ok. Try using treats in moderation, or you can play fetch as a reward for doing a good job.


It’s crucial to start training your pup when he enters your home. Establishing the proper habits from day one and continuing to teach him as he grows up is critical. Always remember that teaching an old dog new tricks is never too late. If you encounter any issues during training, don’t hesitate to seek advice from your veterinarian.


You and your pup have a strong connection, so clear and consistent communication is vital when training him. It would help if you taught him positive actions by rewarding him and “No” by guiding him to do the right thing. Most importantly, you’re explicit in teaching him right from wrong; otherwise, he’ll need clarification. If you’re not consistent, he won’t be either.


Giving your pup some food can be an excellent way to reward him for learning. But do not give him any free rides. He has got to earn that treat. This should not, however, be his only reward. It is okay to start with treats but gradually replace rewards with praise over time. Pretty soon, praise will be all he needs, and treats can be used just as a treat.


Misbehavior from your pup is expected. But it is not out of spite, it is because he probably thinks it’s okay to act that way. It’s up to you to teach him otherwise. Always remember to catch him in the act and not to punish him for something he did in the past. He won’t know what you’re punishing him for unless you connect it to an action that occurred very recently. You must take note that you must never scold your pup. Instead, you say “No” in a sharp tone when you see your pup doing something wrong and praise him when he stops.

Sarah Jefferson Editor
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