The Doggy

How Do We Know Our Pup Likes Us?

Do they Like Us or Is It The Treats?

We all love our dogs. We think they like us too, Right?
Well, how can you tell? Are they being cute, cuddly and loyal because of that treat? Or do they Love us?
Some hints that may give us a clue.

The Tails a Wagging

You have seen it, banging on everything, like it is going to fly off!
Protecting the valuables like the kids are around we try to steer the pup through the maze, so nothing gets broken. Is this because they know a cookie is in your pocket or are they happy to see you? Leave the cookie out next time, run the test.

Watch Those eyes

How about eye contact. Are they following you in conversation and action or are they looking for the cat who just appeared?
The experts say dogs don't follow your eyes as other humans do. However, they are known to stare at things they really are interested in. The question for you is what are your dog's eyes focusing on? It may give you insight into their interests.

Pay More Attention

Don't just watch their eyes. Look at the facial expressions. Their facial muscles and eyebrows. Movement in repetitive ways in response to your voice and actions tells a lot.
These wiggles and twitches are indicating more than a sign of being cute. They are communicating that they like being with you.



An open and relaxed mouth is your dogs' way of smiling. These are indicating happiness and contentment. They want to be part of the conversation. THey open their mouths and relax and just smile at you.

How about a Cuddle?

Cuddling and snuggling are the things puppies are made of. They love to do this with there favorite friends. Feel honored and liked when your pouch wiggles into position and plops right next to you for a warm and comforting session. They are giving you honor and showing their affection.

Am I boring YOU?

Really yawing is contagious. Especially with their family. Dogs have been seen to be serial yawners when they see their owners yawn. They join in too. It also has been recognized as empathy and affection toward the ones they love.

Do I Look Like A Fence Post?

Really! Dogs have a desire to lean against the ones they love. It shows others they belong. It says “They're with me.” Its a sign of affection towards their owners. They are not just resting their bones. They are bonding and showing who they love.

Jumpy Jumpy

You got across the street for a couple of minutes, or you're gone to work for the day. When you return, it looks like the circus came to town. Boy, are they glad to see you! Tails are wagging, Jumping up running around the furniture. Just because you are back. Now that is a friend. And, OhYea. There was no treat involved just a hello and a pat on the head. Now that is a doggie that loves you.

How about some ROOM?

You know dogs like to run in herds. They are famous for joining together in packs. But it is late in the evening and who do they choose to be with. That's right, You. Because they love to be with you. They like your side of the bed. And maybe you AS a bed. I sure hope you have a small dog.
Your buddy really shows affection sleeping with you or even on you. Its all because they care.

Honey, Where is my shirt?

Dogs have a nose that is good for a mile. THey love the smells of the articles that make them feel good. Why should they be any different handling your shirt? You weren't using it at the moment, and it sure smells good to them. So to the hamper as soon as it comes off or you pup may want to carry your sent to a cozy corner for personal enjoyment. They are just being affectionate you know.