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He Needed Me The Most

This is the story of Janine Guido, a woman, the founder of Speranza Animal Rescue, who spent the night beside a dying dog.

“I didn’t want to leave him alone. Not when he needed me the most.” These words came from Janine Guido when asked why she didn’t leave Watson until the worst was over for the dog. This news left my heart broken and my eyes swollen from crying.

Watson is a stray dog. Skinny, sore-covered skin, with a large lump prominent on his leg – this was Watson’s state when he was seen roving in a park in Philadelphia. He was then taken to a local emergency vet for round-the-clock care.

Unfortunately, Watson’s tumor was cancerous and was left untreated for too long. With his cancer spread out on his body, he was transferred to Speranza Animal Rescue. Anyone could see that he was waiting to “go.” He is a dog wanting to be loved and comforted as he waits for his final moment.

“He looked exhausted—like he was ready to give up the fight,” Guido said. That’s what she saw in Watson’s eyes when she first saw him. It was the first time they met, but it seemed Watson was telling Janine that he was not okay; it would be worse, and he needed someone beside him. Janine understood and took action.


Following the day she saw Watson’s sad, exhausted look, Janine brought blankets and dog beds to the shelter. She also set up the clinic’s laundry room so that she and Watson could sleep there for the night.

Laid beside Watson, Janine wrapped her arms around the dog until he fell asleep. She didn’t even think about getting up and leaving the dog. She stayed beside Watson, with tears falling, as the dog slept. She fell asleep crying and woke up with tears still falling from her eyes. That was Watson’s last night. When he woke up, he was more exhausted than he had been the day before. He also refused food and water. After a few hours, he passed away.


Since Watson is a stray dog, no one could tell if he had been adequately cared for and loved before ending up homeless and alone. But at least someone found him and took him to people who would make him feel loved and cared for, even for just a short while – even if it’s just a few hours before he takes his last breath.

Take note that Janine and Watson only met a few days prior. Watson is grateful that Janine didn’t leave his side that night and thankful for making him feel loved and cared for. Janine said she was thankful she still had the chance to show the poor dog some love and that his life mattered.

Salute to Janine Guido for braving the heartbreak and making Watson feel loved during his last hours.

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