The Doggy

Great Dane Overcomes Paralysis With The Help Of His Loving Mom

Alice Taylor and his dog, Captain, always had a fun race going down the river.

This has been their usual bonding time ever since. But one day, something went wrong.

It was a peaceful evening during the summer when Alice and Captain raced to the river again.


At first, she didn’t notice anything wrong with Captain. But when they got to the dock, Captain was just standing there looking like he was frozen.

From there, Alice had a gut feeling that something might be not right with him.

She immediately took Captain to their home to take a rest. The next day, she told her husband about what she felt.


They decided to bring Captain to the vet to have him checked. When they were about to load Captain to the car, his legs wouldn’t work anymore.


Alice panicked. She didn’t know what to do. She loves Captain so much, and she doesn’t want anything bad to happen.

After a few tests, the vet told Alice and her husband that Captain was suffering from Wobblers Disease.

The vet asked her to make a choice. It’s either Captain undergoes surgery, or she will have to let him go. Making the decision was not hard for Alice.


She didn’t want to give up on her baby. So even if Captain was not a very good candidate for surgery, she still chose to fight.

Alice was worriedly crying during the surgery. She was in the waiting room with her sister, hoping that everything will go smoothly.

Finally, one of the techs came out asking her to come inside.



At that moment she was terrified, thinking that something might have gone wrong.

But when she came inside the room where Captain was, she was in awe. She saw Captain standing with everyone around him.

They were all protecting him like he was some sort of a diamond.


The surgery went well. After a few months of therapy, Captain was able to walk again.

He’s wobbling while walking, but he’s okay. As long as he’s feeling better, Alice will also be in peace.

Because of what happened, Captain has inspired Alice more. She decided to adopt four more dogs who were also in need of extra care.

Captain is truly an inspiration.


Credit: Alice Lowndes Taylor