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Golden Retriever Wins A Grumpy Cat Over, And Now These Two Are Inseparable

Milo, the cat, was not too thrilled when a young Golden Retriever showed up at his home. He couldn’t believe his owners got another puppy when there were already three Malamutes in the house.

The cat gave the pup cold looks and sometimes hissed at him. The puppy couldn’t be more concerned about the cat judging him and continued to sleep, play, and be held like a baby.

Bless Golden Retrievers and their friendly nature. We think a ton of fights and hairy situations were avoided because of this breed’s calm approach to things.

He noticed the frosty welcome he received from the cat, but he shrugged it off. He knew he’d win the cat over time, but he didn’t know that it would take months before that happened.

Despite the Golden’s relaxed attitude, Milo couldn’t help but be curious and suspicious about the newcomer. After a few days of watchful waiting, he finally decided to take matters into his own paws.

One evening, while the dog was sleeping soundly, Milo cautiously approached him. He sniffed around and watched the young dog closely. The cat noticed that the puppy was very different from his Malamute mates, both in size and color.

He was also surprised at how soft the dog’s fur was. Milo had never been this close to a Golden Retriever before and he was starting to see why his owners liked this newcomer so much.

He would see the rascal all stretched out like a baby in his owners’ arms, and he couldn’t help but wonder why and how his family seemed to like it.

Now he knows. Eventually, the two became friends and now they spend their days playing together. The cat no longer hisses at the dog and the young Golden Retriever proved once again that his breed can win anyone over!

Credits to Life with Malamutes via YouTube

Sarah Jefferson Editor
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