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Dog With Unique Physical Features Receives Love From Everyone Around The World

Humans receive discrimination, especially if they are born differently.

Dogs are not exempted from such scrutiny.

While there are people who tend to pay more attention to what their eyes can see, most often they fail to notice what is really inside.

A German Shepherd is one of the dogs who received heavy criticism because of how he looked.

With a nickname of “Quasi,” Quasimodo, a 4-year old German Shepherd,

is one of the few 15 canines born with a Short Spine Syndrome per year.

This is a rare genetic disorder, which means that a dog’s spine is shorter than normal ones.

Originally a stray dog from Kentucky, Quasi was timid and often fearful of human contact.

But when he arrived in a loving foster home, Quasi started to exhibit his true personality – a goofy, playful dog who simply enjoys life.

Who would have thought that a dog who looks odd in a human’s eye is actually a ladies’ man?

Quasi’s foster mom, Rachel Mairose, recounts how Quasi thinks that he is Casanova and not Quasimodo.

He especially prefers hanging out with girl dogs.

Mairose mentions how Secondhand Hounds in Minnesota has been able to save thousands of animals every year since it was founded in 2009

when she was far into pregnancy with her daughter.

She also jokes at how the hormone changes made her do what she did.

She shares that Quasi is exactly where he receives all the attention and care he needs.

While his caretakers are still trying to discover his traits, they are in no rush to let him go.

Mairose urges everybody inquiring about Quasi’s adoption to consider other dogs in local shelters because there are currently hundreds of other dogs that need a home.

See how it all happened in this video:

Such a heartwarming story.

Tell us what you see.

Source: Barcroft TV via YouTube

Sarah Jefferson Editor
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