The Doggy

Dog Lost For More Than Five Years Found In A Hoarder’s Property

For almost seventy years now, the Humane Society of the United States has been a leading proponent of animal welfare. Together with the authorities, they have saved and rescued many animals from deplorable and inhumane situations. In one case, the rescue organization assisted authorities in an operation in Adams County, Ohio, where they saved 166 dogs and cats.

When the rescuers entered the property, they were shocked to see how terrible the animals have been living. One by one, they freed the animals from their cages and released the shackles from those that were chained. The animals were filthy, living among their own waste and trash. Some were so neglected that they had severe skin conditions and malnutrition.

Checking Chuckie

One of the sick and injured dogs they found was Chuckie. He is a chocolate labrador that had a heavy chain tied to his neck. He was among many dogs placed in front of the property. When they found him, his chain was wrapped around a rotting deer carcass, his only source of food.

After the rescue, the rescuers brought the animals to their shelter, where all of them were given food and water, as well as being seen over by a vet. As part of their protocol, each animal was scanned for a chip. This is where they discovered that Chuckie had been lost for more than five years.

Using the information they gathered from the chip, the staff at the HSUS contacted a family in Indiana who was the registered owner of Chuckie. The family was ecstatic to learn that after all this time, their dog was still alive and is now coming home.

The reunion

In the video below, you will see that the moment Chuckie saw his family, he was literally dragging his handler. In fact, the handler gave up and just let go of the leash. The dog rushed to the arms of his happy family members. It was a very emotional reunion that saw many smiles, tears, kisses, and hugs.

Finally, Chuckie is back home.

Source: The Humane Society of the United States via Youtube