The Doggy

Dog Helps Mom Take Care Of All The Animals

When someone finds their purpose in life, it's when they grow and go into full bloom. When one is assigned a role that is not for them, their performance will suffer, and their resistance will be evident. That's how important finding one's purpose in life is.

This does not only apply to people. This applies to animals like dogs too. Ruby was bought by a man who wanted him to be a sheepdog. His task was to watch over the sheep and gather them.

This did not seem interested Ruby at all. Ruby would rather be cuddle than cuddle sheep. This angered the man who bought him as he was bought at a very steep price. Ruby was treated harshly for not doing what was asked of her, and she lost a lot of weight because of it.

Since Ruby seemed hopeless to be a sheepdog, this cruel man brought him to a man and asked that man to shoot him. When Ruby looked the man in the eye, he couldn't bring himself to kill the poor dog. Instead, he brought Ruby to an animal sanctuary named Edgar's mission.

There, Ruby found her calling and is able to fulfill it with the help of her mother, Pam Aher. Ruby would always want to be there when new animals come in, and she always accompanies the animals in the sanctuary. She cuddles with the goats, plays with the pigs,

This vet dog is very helpful in her new home and has become an integral part of the sanctuary. She is always there to provide them love and care. She has fully bloomed and is living her purpose.

The animals find Ruby's presence therapeutic, and she finds theirs healing. Ruby, the gentle vet dog, is finally where she belongs.

Source The Dodo via YouTube