The Doggy

Dog Goes For A Short Drive And Causes The Most Hilarious And Delightful Accident

As the saying goes – Nobody’s perfect. Let me tell you about this dear senior dog Elvis. He is somehow pretty close. Sometimes, even the most glorified soul can make a mistake.

Elvis and his dad, Paul Shearn are together now for 13 years, they are the best of friends. Neither one of them could be happy without each other’s companionship.

“He is the best dog ever,” said Shearn. “My wife and I, we consider him as our first child. He’s just great.”

Most recently, however, there was something that Elvis did. And it wasn’t anything significant.

Over one weekend, Shearn and Elvis went on a trip on Shearn’s truck. They were heading to his grandparents’ house where they made camp on the farm. A short time later the entire family joined them. Along their way, Shearn momentarily stopped to pick up some supplies.

“Because he isn’t a service dog, I left Elvis in the truck. It was hot and I wanted him to stay cool; So I left it running with the air conditioning going,” said Shearn. “Then I talked to him saying, ‘Don’t do anything crazy, Elvis. Chill here for a moment, and I’ll be back right away.”

The Plot develops:  Shearn walked out of the store with the groceries. He saw a police officer also walking in the same direction. Shearn thought the cop was probably going the wrong way. Then he noticed that the truck moved. It crashed into one of the other parked cars. The car owner called the cop to investigate. She found a somewhat amused Elvis inside the truck.

Photo Credits to Paul Shearn via The Dodo

Next, “The officer said, ‘Somehow, someway, your dog knocked your truck into drive.’”

Ut OH!  Shearn left some animal fat for seasoning in his grandmother’s skillet on the dashboard.  OOps!  You got it!  You can just see it in your mind's eye. While dad was out, Elvis tasted the goodies.  And as a result;  the truck accidentally started on a collision course. Bam!

“Nobody was upset, not even the car’s driver,” said Shearn. “Everybody was dying of laughter. Well, we exchanged insurance details and went on.”

Here’s the footage of the accident’s aftermath:

Video Credits to Facebook/Paul Shearn

Although Elvis didn’t show any remorse, Shearn said that he wouldn’t ask for any other road trip partner. “He’ll always ride shotgun. He loves that, and I won’t deny him that pleasure.”