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Daenerys The Pit Bull Makes An Incredible Recovery After Being Abandoned In An Apartment

Daenerys the pit bull (or Miss D as her friends call her) has had a tough life. Her former owners left her in an abandoned apartment in Phoenix, AZ and she stayed there for a long time. By the time people rescued her, she was only 24 pounds. Healthy female pit bulls should weigh at least 37 pounds or more, so she was in a terrible condition.

But Miss D’s story has a happy ending. After kind people rescued her from the abandoned apartment, her foster parents provided her with all of the food, love, and attention she needed to recover. Eventually, Miss D even found a forever home.

Daenerys and her road to recovery

The first time Tara saw Daenerys, the poor pitbull was all skin and bones. The dog’s ribs jutted out and you can see her hip bones. But even so, Miss D’s spirit was unbreakable. Her tail kept wagging when she saw Tara and she was still incredibly kind and sweet. She is a very resilient dog.

By the time Tara took the pit bull home, she wrapped Miss D up in blankets to keep her comfortable. It took Miss D 5 days to stand up on her own, but slowly and surely she recovered from her ordeal. Tara made sure to feed Daenerys a healthy diet and the happy pitbull gained about a pound every day.

Finding Daenerys a forever home

Daenerys was now at a healthy weight of 57 pounds. The happy pit bull loved physical activity. Tara even took her out for a swim at the local lake. Now that she’s okay, Miss D was ready to find her forever home. Tara wanted to find the right family for Miss D. She even drove from Arizona to Colorado to visit one candidate, Justine.

Justine immediately fell in love with Miss D. Something about Miss D’s story resonated within her and she felt a connection with the pit bull. She even says that ever since she adopted Miss D, her life was now full of joy. Daenerys is happier now too. The pit bull now spends her time riding in Justine’s car and playing with stuffed animals.

Check out this video to see Daenerys and her amazing recovery.

Credits: AnimalShelter, @rescuedpittie

Sarah Jefferson Editor
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