The Doggy

Concerned Dogs Tried Rescuing Their Human Dad From Water

Dogs are incredibly loyal to their human companions. They love them unconditionally, and they even protect them from harm. We know as dog owners that our dogs will try to protect us from situations that they see as dangerous.

As a dog owner, I've experienced my dog protecting me by rushing in front of me if a stranger approaches me. If my dog thinks that the person coming towards me is a threat, he lets out a growl or even barks toward that person. However, I always tell my dog to stop and calm down whenever this happens.

For one man, this proves to be also true.

In North Carolina, a man was trying out a rope swung over the water. He was out with his two dogs and decided to use the rope swing to jump into the water to have a bit of swim.

After he went into the water, his dogs unexpectedly jumped in the water with him. The dogs were concerned and must've thought that their human dad was in danger of drowning.

The two dogs panicked and began barking loudly to get the attention of people in the area to help. One of his dogs jumped in the water and headed straight to his dad to “rescue” him. The other dog followed and swam to his dad while barking all the way.

Luckily, the man wasn't drowning. He was enjoying a swim on a hot summer day. He didn't think that his actions would cause concern for his two loyal companions.

When the two dogs reached him, they knew that their dad wasn't drowning and eventually calmed down.

So, the three continued swimming and had a great afternoon.

The video below shows how much love our dogs have for us. They are willing to do whatever it takes to keep us from harm even if it means risking their lives.

Dogs are indeed amazing creatures, and we're lucky to find such companions as part of our lives.

Here's a video of how these dogs tried to rescue their human dad.

Video Source The Dodo via YouTube