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After Almost 500 Days In A Shelter, A Former Bait Dog Finds A New Home

danfador (CC0), Pixabay

Stories of shelter dogs finding a permanent home always warm the heart of the readers. The reason for this is that most dog lovers only want what is best for dogs, even though these dogs are not theirs. Ultimately, they share the joy the dog feels on the day of his adoption.

This particular dog has a beautiful story of getting adopted. Bonita, a pit bull, had stayed for over 500 days inside the Safehaven Humane Society before she got adopted. According to the volunteers, it took a while for Bonita to find a new home because of her breed. The volunteers added that adopters shun the idea of adopting pit bulls because there is a negative connotation against the breed.

But the volunteers’ wish and dog’s longing for a new home finally happened during Christmas day. Ray Kinz decided to adopt Bonita, the shelter’s longest resident. In an interview, Ray mentioned that it was not a difficult decision on his part. He said that while other people look at the dog breed, he does not.

What is essential for Ray is that a dog is loving and caring. For him, Bonita has these traits because, during their first meeting, he immediately built a good rapport with the pooch. In return, the dog became sweet to him and licked his face.

This event melted his heart, and he did not wait that long to make a decision. Right then and there, Ray told the volunteers that he would take Bonita under his custody. He gave all the needed documents before he was able to do so.

For Ray, it was a dramatic one because the adoption took place on Christmas day. He said that all he wants is to give Bonita the life that the dog deserves. Ray vowed that he would do everything to fulfill this promise.

Credits to Safehaven Humane Society.

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