The Doggy

A Sad Dog Left In The Shelter Finally Found A Forever Home

Cookie was an old dog who went to an animal shelter after her owner died.

While in the shelter, the staff noticed that this dog was always sad.

The staff took a photo of Cookie and posted it on Patch.

After a few days, they received an email from a curious woman.

In her statement to the animal shelter staff, Latoya notified them of her interest in adopting Cookie.

The woman said she understood Cookie's needs, especially as she’s growing old.

According to the woman, it did not matter that Cookie may have only a little time to live.

The important thing to her was to give Cookie the love she deserves.  Isn't that so true?

Cookie was grieving after the loss of her owner. Her best friend at the shelter was also adopted, leaving Cookie alone again.

The staff said that many other people had shown an interest in adopting the dog, but they would never finish their application.

That’s why they decided to post on Patch. This would call the attention of those looking for an addition to their family.


After posting, the shelter received hundreds of emails and calls from individuals, including Latoya.

The outpouring love for Cookie showed that many wanted to give the pooch a forever home.

In fact, the number of applications received by the shelter was overwhelming.

To ensure finding the best home for Cookie, the shelter decided to let the applicants compete in a screening.

As part of the screening process, the applicants have required to visit Cookie in the shelter.

As the competition came to a close it became clear who the winning family would be.

Cookie would come to live in two houses.

Cookie lives with her foster family most of the time, but she can’t stay there all the time.

Her foster family needs to bring the dog back to the shelter while they were at work.

It is working out OK because the staff has really grown fond of Cookie. With her consistent presence at the shelter, Cookie is able to make new friends regularly.

This friendship seems to help the new pets coming in for a stay to adapt and become calm more quickly.

When Latoya gets off work Cookie goes back home to keep her company there.

It seems like Cookie has a lot more friends now. She likes that just fine.

Credits to Gabrielle Stroup