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A Golden Retriever Service Dog Had A Special Chance To Visit Disneyland And Snuggle With Donald Duck

Pexels (CC0), Pixabay

Dogs are genuinely fabulous creatures. Aside from showing love, compassion, and care for their owners, their loyalty is of the highest level.

But with autism service dogs, the awesomeness level goes beyond the scale as their dedication and compassion are much higher than typical dogs. Why? Because these dogs serve as a companion for people with autism, which requires more excellent care and attention.

For autism service dogs, they are not the ones being served by their owners, but the other way around. They help their owners by protecting them from self-harming behaviors and even calm them whenever they’re having emotional meltdowns.

Even if these dogs are specifically trained to respond to these situations, there’s no doubt that their job is exhausting. That is why one autism service dog, a Golden Retriever, had a much-deserved chance to rest from her job and have fun just like a normal dog. Her treat? A visit to the happiest place on Earth — Disneyland!

But instead of running around in the theme park, the dog knew her own way of relaxing, and that is to snuggle. And it seems that she’s way more comfortable snuggling on a life-sized duck than on a human. The service dog was lucky enough to spot Donald Duck and immediately snuggled on him. The world-famous duck, of course, welcomed the dog and allowed her to lie on his lap.

The dog was obviously having a good time beside Donald Duck and looked very relaxed. Indeed, the Golden Retriever deserves this special rest from all the hard work she has done.

Service dogs like this Golden Retriever are so crucial that an act called ‘The Americans and Disabilities Act’ mandates that these dogs be allowed in public places, whether it’s in shopping centers, hospitals, restaurants, and, yes, even in a theme park like Disneyland.

Service dogs’ dedication to helping their human pals are truly one-of-a-kind, and with their tough job, an extra special treat is something they truly deserve.

Source: C. Olmstead via Dog Dispatch

Sarah Jefferson Editor
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