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A Doberman Puppy And An Adult Doberman Got Into A Playful Fight With Each Other

Alexas_Fotos (CC0), Pixabay

Due to its portrayal in media, the Doberman is among the dog breeds with a negative reputation. They are often presented as villains or bullies in the majority of films and TV shows.

However, Dobermans, like many other dog breeds, are trainable and obedient. This breed will even go to great lengths to protect its immediate family and loved ones.

The friendly nature of this dog breed was shown in a video that gained Internet popularity. The video also showed just how wonderful the breed is as older siblings.

A full-grown adult Doberman was seen playing with a Doberman puppy in the clip. Later, it was shown that the adult Doberman’s name is Boss, while the name of the puppy is Kyra.

Despite being smaller than her older sibling, Kyra was not easily intimidated by him. Kyra was able to overcome her fear of the larger Boss so that she could play with him. It was also a good thing that Boss decided to play with Kyra even if she was younger and smaller than him.

According to the video’s owner, the clip was recorded on the very day that the two dogs first met. Despite their owner’s concern that the larger Boss could be hostile towards the younger and smaller Kyra, their initial encounter was actually pretty good.

When Boss first met his younger sister, he was very kind and gentle with her. Meanwhile, Kyra was oblivious to how tall her brother was. Even though her brother was significantly larger than she was, she still played with him.

The fact that the two dogs were enjoying the company of each other really pleased their owner. The owner even wished that their relationship would grow in time.

The owner believes that the video will influence people’s negative impressions of Dobermans.

Source: BestDogBehavior

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