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A Cane Corso Is Roused From His Slumber And He Has The Funniest Reaction

akirEVarga (CC0), Pixabay

How dogs can easily shift from one activity to the next is just amazing for most people. One moment, they can all be sleeping peacefully, and then they could be wide awake the next, as if they had never been asleep at all. Dog sitters know this all too well – and so do dog owners.

In this story, a hilarious Cane Corso had finally fallen asleep, but only because his owner was home and he cuddled up to him. That was the most secure place and the most ideal moment for this dog to sleep. However, just as he was drifting off, something just seemed to have gone through his mind that made him go right back up.

We can only speculate that this dog knew something was amiss and, although being caught between reality and dreamland, he still managed to open one eye. The poor dog probably had no idea what was happening.

The Cane Corso looked at the camera that his owner was holding warily with one eye, and with his tongue hanging out of his mouth, he was a comical sight to behold.

When their dog is asleep, every dog owner wishes to get the perfect photograph. We may never know why, but if you share this sentiment, then this picture of a sleeping doggo is perfect for you!

The Cane Corso appeared so amusing in his sleep-induced disorientation that the dog’s father couldn’t help but laugh. We admit that we joined this dog’s father in doing so.

Here’s to dog owners who have the guts to photograph their sleeping dog in a way that shows how lovely and funny they can be. You guys are awesome, so keep spreading joy by posting videos and images of your pets’ antics.

Do you genuinely have any anecdotes or photographs of your dog sleeping in an amusing manner? Share it here with us!

Source: Jason D

Sarah Jefferson Editor
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